Mar 30, 2011

Allergy Free Easter Treats

Ever since we have realized that Griff has allergies, I have been obsessed about making sure he feels like he isn't missing out or isn't included. This was all in vain up till about a month ago. Before that he was too into whatever toy he was playing with and VERY easily distracted. Lately this hasn't been the case.
At my Grandma's house last week Griff spotted Easter jelly beans and instantly wanted one. Badly. And I had to say no because there wasn't an ingredient list on the jar. He cried. My Grandma felt terrible. And the alternative treat that I always have handy wasn't going to cut it. He cried for a few minutes and I thought about doing the same ( I know, all over jelly beans??), Then I told him that he couldn't because we didn't know what's in them and they could potentially make him sick. Repeating this a few times (plus the loonie my Grandma gave him!) seemed to work..
Needless to say at my Grandma's birthday this week I think I tried to fix the issue prior to it occurring. I offered to make the cake. Now which Grandma do you know that doesn't LOVE Lightning MCQueen Cupcakes?? Every Seniors dream I'm sure! My Grandma is a good woman.

So, Easter is coming and those who have kids with allergies know that the usual Mr. Bunny chocolate isn't safe. My mom found an awesome website, . Based out of Quebec, they ship allergy free treats safely across the country for every occasion. I totally recommend them!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it. And so did Grandma...too cute that she gave him a loonie!
