Apr 4, 2011

Crazy Biker

Well, the sun was shining all day and my little guy wore his bike helmet from the moment he woke up till he went to bed..

He got a brand new Buzz Lightyear bike for his third birthday on March 11, and had been anxiously waiting for the snow to melt so he could try it out. He made his maiden voyage on the weekend, and we haven't been able to get him off.

On Sunday, he could peddle a couple times but then would trip up and stop. I haven't been going out much as I have a broken foot, but thought I could keep pace with him today when I agreed to go out with him so he could ride his bike. Overnight he learned how to cruise on his training wheels!

A toddler with no fear + new bike + mom with a broken foot = GONG SHOW.

I managed to catch up with him at each manhole as we went down the street, because he would have to stop to inspect the water flowing and had to "gas up" his bike.

He looked back at me twice to make sure I was still scrambling behind, then both times proceeded to hop the curb and roll his bike. But knew he couldn't cry as this might mean he had to come in. Instead he dusted off his mud pants and hopped back on.

Another thing we need to work on is his dismount. When he sees something of interest, instead of braking he puts his feet on the ground and slides off the back while the bike continues on down the road.

Our bike ride got cut a little short due to a broken foot and crazy peddling. He got to go out again after supper with his Dad. And was in bed sleeping by seven. Which is unheard of. I see a lot of biking in his future :)

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