Mar 29, 2011

First Post Ever!!!

Well, here we go..

I have been thinking about doing this for a long time. And reading tonnes of other blogs. So today is the day. I am making my first post.

My first thoughts for this blog began when Griffen had just turned one and was diagnosed with a nut, egg, and dairy allergy. I was floored. And stressed. If I had actually gotten it together to begin my blog, it would have been much different than now.

Griff still has allergies, only to peanuts and dairy now, but life is much different. I have since returned to work, and learned to manage his allergies, keeping him safe and happy. I have my days, and he has his. But we are learning... and not just about his allergies.. but about raising a three year old boy in general!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! Now I don't have Griffen (and carrie) FOMO!!! Can't wait to read them all!!

    Post lots of pics please :-)

